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Addon products

Definition addon product, set price and edit, order bump

Updated over a month ago

What Are Addon Products?

Addon products allow you to enhance your main product and offer additional value to your customers. Whether it's exclusive content, upgrades, or supplementary services, addons help make your product offering more attractive while simultaneously increasing your revenue.

Benefits of Addon Products

  • Increased Revenue Potential – Offer meaningful additions and boost the average order value.

  • Flexibility for Buyers – Customers can customize their product to fit their needs.

  • Easy Management – Any changes to addon products are automatically updated across all instances where they are used.

  • Improved User Experience – Consistent and up-to-date product information helps avoid misunderstandings and increases customer satisfaction.

To activate an addon option, navigate to the “Addon Products” section on the product editing page, toggle the switch, and select the product to be used as an addon.

Important: An addon or order bump can only be added once a main product has been created.

In the pop-up window, set the price for the addon and click “Accept.” More details can be found in this section.

These changes apply only to addons and do not affect the original product. This means that the same product can have a standard price when sold as a main product and a different (e.g., discounted) price when sold as an addon or order bump.

You can integrate unlimited order bumps into your checkout. This allows your customers to add additional products to their purchase with just one click, significantly increasing your sales potential.

To enable this feature, simply go to the product settings and activate order bumps.

If you want a newly configured addon to be used as an order bump, toggle the switch.

Difference between addon and order bump

While both addons and order bumps are automatically offered to a buyer, they serve different purposes.

On a checkout page, an addon appears as a recommendation for the product a customer is purchasing.

An order bump, however, always includes a call-to-action text and may not necessarily be a complementary addition to the main product.

Setting the Price

At CopeCart, you can set a specific price for your addons and order bumps without modifying the original product’s configurations.

Example: You have created a product and set its price at €100. You want to offer your customers the option to buy the same product at a discounted price of €50.00.

To do this, you should edit your addon (not the original product).

The changes you make to an addon product apply only to the addon and do not affect the original product.

In this example, customers who purchase the product as a standalone item will pay €100, whereas those who buy it as an addon will pay €50.00.

These different pricing rules do not interfere with each other, as the original product configurations remain unchanged. You do not need to create copies of the addon product to adjust its price. Additionally, you can use the same addon for several (or all) of your main products and set different pricing rules independently.

Updating Addon Data

If you, as a vendor or team member, modify the name, description, image, or attachment of a product used as an addon, these changes will automatically reflect everywhere the product has been added as an addon.

Key Rules for Updating Addon Products

  • Changes to addon products are applied retroactively to all existing addon associations.

  • Products that have already been sold remain unchanged. This means that past orders will always display the product version that was valid at the time of purchase.

  • If the name of a main product is changed after purchase, the order summary for buyers will still display the name that was valid at the time of purchase.

  • The same logic applies to shops and upsells: If a product added to a shop or upsell is modified, those changes will be reflected.

  • Phone Offer remains unchanged: If a product is linked to a phone offer, the original link remains valid even if the product is later modified.

For further questions, please feel free to contact our support team.

Best regards

Your CopeCart Team

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